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Ancestral Minerals



For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed the things we needed for strength, health, and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where we struggle with chronic dehydration, poor digestion, mineral deficiencies, and lack the physical endurance that our ancestors once had. The solution is to address the root cause with dietary, lifestyle, and behavioral choices, while nourishing and supporting our bodies and brains with proven anthropological ways that are backed by modern science... this includes the use of Ancestral Minerals.


Inhabiting mineral-rich environments such as the seashore, swamps, primeval forests, and grasslands, our ancestors consumed large amounts of essential minerals. Many of these environments have since been altered by the modern world, but when our ancestors lived in them, they were pristine. The water they drank and bathed in was pure and mineral rich... the soil was alive, teeming with bacteria, fungi, and minerals. Even the plants and animals they ate had a superior mineral profile compared to the plants and animals we farm today. In addition to the natural consistent exposure to minerals, our ancestors would gather salt from the sea or inland deposits and would seek out mineral rich foods, like bee pollen and kelp. Ancestral Minerals is rich in the essential and trace minerals from whole food sources that our ancestors enjoyed… Ancient Sea Salt, Atlantic Kelp, and Wildflower Bee Pollen.


Ancestral Minerals is a blend of Ancient Sea Salt, Atlantic Kelp, and Wildflower Bee Pollen, each a whole food source of essential minerals we need to thrive. Our ancestors have always relied on salt-preserved foods, fresh organ meats, beehive products, and marine life, including seaweed for both food and medicine. It is believed that access to these mineral-rich food sources, including iodine, unlocked the full potential of our cellular metabolism and aided in our rapid brain development. These essential nutrients all work synergistically with each other in harmony with nature, and in harmony with the wisdom of our ancestors.

It’s estimated that more than half of the global population suffers from a micronutrient deficiency. Much of this is due to a lack of essential minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur) and trace minerals (iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium). The ‘key’ to our cells functioning properly is having specific amounts of these minerals available in the correct organ in the body, at precisely the right time. These minerals are essential for a huge range of physiological functions. If you’re deficient in minerals it’s likely your teeth and bones are weak too. In the event of insufficient mineral intake, our bodies will take minerals from our bones which can lead to low bone density and osteoporosis. The good news is, Ancestral Minerals contains all of the essential minerals we need to remineralize our entire bodies, including our bones and teeth.

Ancestral Minerals is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus. Our ancestors consumed at least 1-2 grams of calcium/phosphorus per day, from a wide range of sources including animal bones, seaweed, sea salt, bee pollen, and insects… Calcium is essential for vascular contraction and vasodilation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormone secretion. While the main function of phosphorus is the formation of strong bones and teeth, it is also necessary for the body to synthesize protein to support the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues. It even plays an important role in how the body uses carbohydrates and fats and is needed for the proper absorption of calcium.

Almost everyone these days is deficient in magnesium. Thousands of years of agriculture have taken so much magnesium from the soil that it is difficult to imagine how our ancestors ever got enough through diet alone. The earth was more fertile and their food was simply more nutritious back then. Ancient Sea Salt, Atlantic Kelp, and WIldlfower Bee Pollen are all great sources of magnesium that our ancestors were consuming. Magnesium is critical for bone development, enzyme synthesis, the nervous system, and muscular function. It is required for the production of all proteins, including those that interact with vitamins A and D. Vitamins A, D, and K2 interact synergistically with these essential minerals to support energy metabolism, immune health, provide for adequate growth, support strong bones and teeth, and protect soft tissues from calcification.


Ancestral Minerals is made possible by combining three of nature's most pure and concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes.

  • "Untouched" Ancient Sea Salt
  • 100% Raw Wildflower Bee Pollen
  • Wild Harvested Kelp from Unpolluted Waters

Our ancient sea salt is harvested from a Jurassic Era seabed deep within the earth. This mineral store has remained untouched by the pollutants of the modern world, (micro plastics and industrial waste) for over 145 million years. In prehistoric times, there was an inland sea... The sea is long gone, but her remnants form a large, pristine sea salt deposit deep beneath the earth protected under layers of volcanic ash and bentonite clay. Unlike processed table salt, which has been completely stripped of its trace minerals, ancient sea salt contains over 60 trace minerals.

Our Atlantic sea kelp is wild harvested from the pristine icy waters of the North Atlantic. These cold, clean waters offer the perfect conditions for growing nutritious kelps. The waters of the North Atlantic Ocean are richly mineralized by glacial milch rivers (which carry fine minerals from surrounding glaciers) and by geothermal vents in the ocean floor (which supply deep earth minerals). The fresh kelp is immediately brought to a dryer, and dried at controlled low temperatures. Our drying technique prevents surface oxidation and browning, and locks‐in a powerful array of bioavailable vitamins and minerals.

Our bee pollen is sustainably sourced from remote apiaries abundant with wild flowers high in the Rocky Mountain Range. Honey bees can travel up to 5 miles from their hive to collect nectar and pollen... our apiaries are tucked into secluded mountain pastures with only wildflowers and natural vegetation for miles. In other words, there isn’t a single trace of modern pollutants… and no monocrop, heavily sprayed, farms nearby! Our bee pollen is never heated or dried to ensure all nutrients and enzymes remain intact. It is always third party lab tested to ensure it never contains pesticide residue or harmful chemicals.


  • Ancient Sea Salt Providing the Essential Electrolytes: Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium
  • Bee Pollen with Over 250 Different Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Flavonoids, and Adaptogens
  • Atlantic Kelp Rich in Marine Minerals Including Iodine and Zinc


  • Remineralization of all Tissues and Fluids
  • Optimal Hydration and Exercise Performance
  • Nerve Function and Brain Health
  • Stomach Acid and Digestion

* FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Ancestral Minerals is a whole food dietary supplement that provides 100% pure Ancient Sea Salt with Atlantic Kelp and Wildflower Bee Pollen. The suggested use of this supplement is to take 6 capsules per day (even though it technically is food) or as directed by a healthcare professional — for added support, the dose can be doubled. If consuming more than six capsules at once, the doses should be separated by at least three hours to improve tolerability.


Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu-like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material.

A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with the full suggested serving size of 6 capsules per day. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 (or) 2 capsules a day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a full two weeks to achieve the desired serving size of 6 capsules per day.

For customers that are highly sensitive to supplements and/or have an autoimmune and/or methylation SNPs, I suggest that you "play it safe" by introducing just one new capsule per week. In other words, just 1 capsule during the 1st week... 2 capsules during the 2nd week... 3 capsules during the 3rd week and so on... yes, this will take some time to reach the suggested dosages but this greatly helps to ensure tolerability of this deep nourishment so that it has a chance to do good.


Serving Size: 6 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30


  • Ancient Sea Salt 1650MG
  • Wildflower Bee Pollen 1450MG
  • Magnesium Glycinate 250MG
  • Potassium Chloride 200MG
  • Atlantic Kelp 50 MG

Collagen (Bovine Gelatin) Capsules


Ancestral in the LT Store

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