Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen

by Leesa Rutherford 0 Comments

The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists are annual rankings of produce released by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit organization that promotes environmental health. The rankings are based on the levels of pesticide residues found in conventionally grown produce in the United States.

The Dirty Dozen list identifies the twelve fruits and vegetables that have the highest levels of pesticide residues. 

The EWG recommends that people buy these fruits and vegetables organic whenever possible, or thoroughly wash and peel them before eating.

The Clean Fifteen, list on the other hand, identifies the fifteen fruits and vegetables that have the lowest levels of pesticide residues.

The EWG notes that buying organic versions of these fruits and vegetables is always the best option, but if cost or availability is a concern, conventional versions of these produce items are generally safer to consume due to lower levels of pesticide residues.

    Leesa Rutherford
    Leesa Rutherford


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