Discovering the Many Benefits of Seafood
At Destination Health we talk a lot about nutrient-dense foods. The most recent Kevin’s Kommentary was dedicated to his “Top 9 Nutrient-Dense Foods”. Wild Alaskan salmon made the list for reasons w...

CAYENNE (RED) PEPPER & PAPRIKA Cayenne or red pepper (Capsicum frutenscens) is the fruit of the Capsicum annuum longum, a shrubby tropical plant that can grow to a height of up to 3 feet. The f...

ROSEMARY Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is another member of the mint family, although it has a much different appearance in that it is an evergreen shrub that can grow quite large and has an a...


BASIL The most common variety of basil is sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum). While the taste of sweet basil is bright and pungent, there are other varieties that differ from this well-known taste, su...

CINFULLY TASTY Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of evergreen trees native to Sri Lanka, Southwest India, and Asia. After it is peeled away from the tree, this brown bark curls up into tubes, cal...