THANK COD IT'S FRIDAY HISTORY Fish and seafood have been important in human nutrition since prehistoric times. Fish farming is also an age-old practice. The ancient Assyrians had fish ponds where ...

Let's Talk about Functional Foods
Functional foods are foods that we eat for a specific nutritional reason. Instead of using supplements, I may suggest a food that has a certain benefit. We have gotten very far away from this con...

ROOTING FOR PARSNIPS The parsnip, like parsley, carrots, and celery, is a member of the Umbelliferae family. It resembles the carrot in the shape of its long, fleshy, edible root, while it’s gre...

THIS LITTLE PIGGY WENT TO THE MARKET Pork is a versatile source of protein that is easy to prepare. It is sold in a variety of fresh and cured meat products, such as pork chops, ham, bacon, sausag...